Friday, November 3, 2017

Blog Stage 5

            As a normal person in the world, many people may not have time to go out and vote. Everyone wants their voice to be heard whether they say it or not. Making Election Day a national holiday will make it easier for Americans to go out and vote.
            Although the total voter turnout rates from 2014-2016 have increased to a little over 58 percent of eligible voters, we can possibly make this number go up by making Election Day and national holiday. Yes, some people will stay home and not take advantage of this but we should be doing everything in our power to give everyone the chance to vote. Even though the total voter turnout from the 2016 election is more than 50 percent, we should not be pleased with this number. We should be trying to get the number as high as we can. Some people may not have the chance to make time for this. People have jobs and may not be able to get off in time to go vote.      
Some may argue that making Election Day a national holiday may be way too expensive but we don’t know if the total voter turnout will drop drastically in the near future. If this were to happen it would be a shot in the dark. Everyone should have the right to have their voice to be heard. Having a holiday specifically for voting can give people an equitable chance to have their voices heard. Making Election Day a national holiday will only help us in the long run and give people the chance to participate. 

1 comment:

Sofia Guzman said...

I agree there are many people who do not vote because they have to work. Many people get out of work late or once they get out of work they are too tired to go make a line and just want to go home and rest. Even though I agree with you on making voting day a holiday I am afraid that many businesses will not recognize that day. Many businesses are open during Thanksgiving even though is an important holiday for families to be together. Maybe it could become part of employees’ rights to get a day to vote. I believe that the number of voters would definitely increase.