Thursday, October 19, 2017

Blog Stage 4

In the New York Times, Roxane Gay published the article, "Dear Men: It's You, Too". Roxane is an associate professor at Purdue University, who seems pretty credible. In this article Roxane argues that men need to take rape more serious and some woman need to stop brushing off rape. She says that, "accountings do little to capture the true breadth and scope of harassment and assault women face.", which is very obvious. As some may know about the Brock Turner story, Turner raped an unconscious women. he was indicted on five charges, which of the two were rape. His max prison time was 14 years but yet he was released just after a couple of months. There are many other cases similar to this and this just goes to show how poorly our world views rape .Roxane says that, "Women are being hysterical, they say. Women are being humorless. Women are being oversensitive. Woman should just dress or behave or dress differently." She also states that just because "boys will be boys", it doesn't mean that we aren't allowed to act or dress as we please. This is a clear problem that we are facing and will continue to face if we do not take this matter more serious. She says that, "Skeptics are willing to perform all kinds of mental acrobatics to avoid facing the vary stark realities of living in this world as a women". I completely agree with this because everyone seems to dance around the fact that this is an actual problem that is taken as a joke.

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