Thursday, October 5, 2017

Blog Stage 3

In the New York Times, The Editorial Board published the article, "How Long Until We Debate Real Gun Laws?". In this editorial, The Editorial Board talks about how congress must address gun laws. They also state that Congress and Republican leaders like to beat around the bush when it comes to discussing gun laws. On Wednesday when Trump was asked about the mass shooting in Las Vegas he simply replied with, "We are not going to talk about that today". In this article it states that Republican leaders in Washington tried to blow off the public's need for someone to address this and "not to 'politicize' a tragedy by debating gun controls that might, you know, avert mass killings from happening again". I believe that that would be the right time to talk about gun control considering the mass shooting that just happened. Surprisingly, the Las Vegas mass shooting did bring attention to the Republican legislators. They were stunned about the bump stock, which is a device to fire dozens amount of rounds. Although this did cause some scrutiny, Congress has still not addressed this serious matter that the public demands. This editorial states many obvious reasons that the leaders of the U.S. are not taking the correct actions on real gun laws. It has been 481 days since the mass shooting at the Pulse Night Club in Orlando with 49 being killed and there has not been any action taken on gun laws. This article states that there has been multiple shootings more than 600 days ago and nothing has been said. Whether 58 were killed or 3 were killed, nothing has been said about real-life gun laws.

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