Thursday, November 16, 2017

Blog Stage 6

In response to one of my fellow classmate's blog posts, , I would like to state my opposing opinion. For starters a common misconceptions is that birth control is free; however, no birth control is free. See free birth control is free when covered by insurances or federal programs but even then one has to pay 30 to 250 dollars for a birth control prescription from a doctor or nurse. Now to address the religious right to not believe in contraception. Most people against birth control and condoms also oppose a women right to abort. Making them pro life, meaning they believe in a fetuses right to live, if morals are aligned birth control is preventing countless unnecessary abortions. Meaning there tax payer money is being spent well, eventually preventing hundreds if not thousands of murders. Lets say someone still isn't convinced that there tax payer money should be helping fund safe sex, well now we should address crazier ways our tax payer money is being spent. For example our government is not funding safe sex but instead funding fun sex, long lasting sex, in 2014 the U.S. department of defense spent 125.84 million dollars on drugs for erectile dysfunction such as viagra. I don't know about you but Viagra doesn't help an average American such as myself, but birth control does. Birth control helps prevent people from birthing babies they can't afford to raise who will eventually go into the system and continue to live off the tax payers money. I believe the argument should be for a voting say in what our tax payer money is funded into, instead of voting against affordable birth control.

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